Our no-spray strawberries are here!

Because we do not synthesize our plants with chemical fertilizers, our berry field has a smaller yield compared to conventional farms.

The benefit to you? Nutrient-dense strawberries free of harmful chemicals. Did you know that the EWG put strawberries on the dirty dozen list? It's true! But not our berries. We never, ever spray harmful fumigants, herbicides, pesticides, or fertilizers on our field.

Instead we use herbs, compost, fish emulsion, humic acid and other organic amendments to keep our soil and plants super healthy.

Tune in here weekly for our upcoming u-pick times.

We are glad you are here.

We are excited about our new farm that brings the promise of clean food grown & produced without harmful chemicals and toxins.

Your health matters to us.

The soil health of the land we steward matters to us.

Both have a symbiotic relationship that needs tending.

Thank you for supporting your local regenerative farmer!

~Ashley & Courtney, co-founders

p.s. if you want to sport the brand, enjoy our merch line below!

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